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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2019/2020 School Year

25th Nov 2019
We read a poem called Rocket Horse. It was about a rocking horse that took Jilly...
24th Nov 2019
We enjoyed our STEM day at Belleek Primary school. 
22nd Nov 2019
Great job for your topic work this week!
22nd Nov 2019
Great work Joshua (P6) Player of the Week at Football, Noah (P1) Gymnast of the...
22nd Nov 2019
Super work Lily (P7) who was nominated for playing with the younger pupils at break...
22nd Nov 2019
Well done P4/5 for lining up quietly at 9am each morning when the bell rings.
22nd Nov 2019
Great job Amy (P5). Amy always has a friendly ‘Hello’ every morning...
21st Nov 2019
P6/7 enjoyed a super Shared Education trip to Bagenal's Castle yesterday (20th Nov)....
19th Nov 2019
We have started to create our rainforest shoeboxes which were previously planned...