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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2018/2019 School Year

8th Mar 2019
Outside of School Achievements... Summer - Dancer of the Week Rhys - Basketball...
8th Mar 2019
Lovely job, Georgia. Always walking in the corridors and showing excellent manners....
8th Mar 2019
Pupils of the Week for excellent Literacy work.
5th Mar 2019
P3 had a very busy day in the class ‘bakery’ making pancakes. As part...
1st Mar 2019
We heard about how a simple smile can set off a chain of positive events in our...
1st Mar 2019
Big thank you to Mr McWilliams and Mrs McCullough who are coaching our P6/7 class...
1st Mar 2019
Super walking in the corridor, Lily. Always a friendly smile every day. Enjoy the...
1st Mar 2019
Abby - Player of the Week for Basketball and Football. Samuel - Player of the...
1st Mar 2019
Super work from our mathematicians this week!