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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2019/2020 School Year

15th Jun 2020
P6/7 created junk art to mark children’s art day. Through our ‘Our...
14th Jun 2020
Unfortunately we can’t have our annual Sports Day at school this week...instead...
14th Jun 2020
P3 have been reading The Midnight Gang, as their class novel, with Mr Greenaway....
12th Jun 2020
Just because the residential trip was cancelled didn’t mean the fun was cancelled...
8th Jun 2020
Lots of wonderful baking by P6/7 in the ‘Great Mullaglass Bake off’....
7th Jun 2020
Let’s see how our pupils got on during our Help at Home Challenge.
7th Jun 2020
What have the P3 pupils been getting up to at home? We use Seesaw everyday - have...
7th Jun 2020
Mullaglass says ‘Thank You’.
7th Jun 2020
Great work P3 - lots of excellent baking on Friday. So much delicious food! What...
6th Jun 2020
Well done to everyone who got involved in ‘The Great Bake Off’, lots...