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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2019/2020 School Year

13th Nov 2019
Our new topic is ‘Around the World’. For our activity based sessions,...
13th Nov 2019
Its that time of the year again...Christmas! We used Purple Mash to design our own...
11th Nov 2019
In our Autumn topic we learned about acorns, and how they grow to be an enormous...
11th Nov 2019
Today we read the story of Dogger. Dogger is Dave's favourite toy and they go everywhere...
8th Nov 2019
Great job this week everyone for impressing your teacher with your Literacy work.
8th Nov 2019
Great job Georgia. Georgia (P4) was nominated by Ashleigh (P4) for spotting someone...
8th Nov 2019
Well done to Leigh (P2) Gymnast of the Week, Summer (P4) - Level 2 swimming and...
8th Nov 2019
Well done to Lucy (P6) who won the Corridor Cup this week for lovely, quiet walking...
7th Nov 2019
Lots of fun addition and subtraction work today in P3.