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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

23rd Apr 2021
This week we looked at a non-fiction book about life on the farm. We then used iPads...
23rd Apr 2021
♻️🐳 🌊 Save Our Sea, Go Plastic Free! 🌊 🐳♻️   Congratulations...
23rd Apr 2021
We had lots of fun making ladybug biscuits today. We used biscuits, icing sugar,...
23rd Apr 2021
Great work P5 for chatting quietly at dinner time in the hall.
23rd Apr 2021
I wonder what minibeasts P5 found in the school garden? Check out our minibeast...
23rd Apr 2021
We had lots of fun this week in PE, focusing on fun games involving movement.
23rd Apr 2021
Well done to all our winners for excellent literacy work this week.
16th Apr 2021
We had lots of fun with our temperature maths investigation today. We had to locate...
16th Apr 2021
We went on a minibeast hunt around the school today in search of creepy crawlies....