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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2022/2023 School Year

25th Oct 2022
Last year our previous P6/7 class took part in an Eco Schools planting project in...
25th Oct 2022
P6/7 have been thoroughly enjoying taking part in the 8 week Sport Changes Life...
25th Oct 2022
Well done to our Key Stage 2 pupils (P5-7) who took part in the Ireland Rocks times...
21st Oct 2022
We held our Harvest Service this morning. The pupils performed superbly.
21st Oct 2022
P3 have been working hard with their data handling and also adding and subtracting...
21st Oct 2022
Thank you for all your kind donations for our Harvest Service this morning. Our...
21st Oct 2022
On Monday we welcomed St Laurence O’Toole’s to Mullaglass.  The...
21st Oct 2022
This week in P4/5 the children have been busy working on question marks, comprehension...
20th Oct 2022
P6/7 were delighted to welcome Jeannie into our classroom today to lead us in our...
20th Oct 2022
This week P6/7 started their shared education programme. The theme for P6/7 is trains...