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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2022/2023 School Year

11th Oct 2022
Lots of new skills being learnt at our after school hockey.
11th Oct 2022
We had great fun learning about the life cycle of a butterfly, creating a lovely...
11th Oct 2022
Today, we hosted St. Laurence O’Tooles Primary School P3 class. Our focus...
7th Oct 2022
This week in P4/5 we have continued with our times tables work with P4 focusing...
7th Oct 2022
Well done to P4/5 for quiet line ups outside.
7th Oct 2022
Well done to Jack for writing his own dinosaur novel. And Leah’s dad received...
7th Oct 2022
Great art work everyone!
5th Oct 2022
We are continuing with our P7 Cycling Proficiency Club after school.
5th Oct 2022
We had lots of fun last week making bumblebee biscuits and the writing independent...