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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2022/2023 School Year

5th Oct 2022
On Friday we had our first eco committee meeting of the year and it was great to...
5th Oct 2022
As part of our topic learning we looked at the lives of six WW1 soldiers. We worked...
30th Sep 2022
This week P4/5 have been working on their descriptive writing skills including planning,...
30th Sep 2022
Well done to our newly elected School Council for 2022/23.
30th Sep 2022
Well done to P3 for good play outside!
30th Sep 2022
Well done to all our winners for excellent behaviour this week.
30th Sep 2022
Well done to all our certificate winners!
23rd Sep 2022
We had lots of fun this week in P3 focusing on instructions. We made ladybug biscuits...
23rd Sep 2022
Thank you to all the pupils for bringing in £1 last week for our bun morning....
23rd Sep 2022
Well done P4/5 for healthy breaks this week.