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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

23rd Apr 2021
Well done to all our winners for excellent literacy work this week.
16th Apr 2021
We had lots of fun with our temperature maths investigation today. We had to locate...
16th Apr 2021
We went on a minibeast hunt around the school today in search of creepy crawlies....
16th Apr 2021
The P3 and P4 children started their Florence Nightingale topic at home whilst we...
16th Apr 2021
Well done to our winners this week for settling well into the 3rd term.
16th Apr 2021
Well done to P3/4 for settling so well into the 3rd term (although it was a tough...
16th Apr 2021
Well done to Jack in P4. Jack was nominated by another pupil for helping him improve...
16th Apr 2021
Well done to our Reading Egg Certificate winners for December 2020 - March 2021.
15th Apr 2021
A very special gift arrived at Mullaglass today! Mrs Bradley entered MessyPlay...
15th Apr 2021
In numeracy this week the P4 children have focused on measurement using their rulers...