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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

25th May 2021
P1/2 had an exciting day today. We were just about to read our story, ‘The...
24th May 2021
The IFA Shooting Stars girls-only programme, has recently started up in Newry on...
22nd May 2021
All the pupils have been keeping fit through Laurence Bellew’s healthy heart...
21st May 2021
Our art work this week linked with our descriptive writing of a garden. We had to...
21st May 2021
Great work to all our winners this week for beautiful art work.
21st May 2021
A tough choice but well done to P6/7 for a tidy classroom this week.
21st May 2021
Well done to both Beth (P6) and Jessica (P7) who both were nominated by Mrs Weir...
17th May 2021
When we were learning about farms we found out that some farmers grow vegetables....
17th May 2021
This week was Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme was ‘Nature’....