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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

17th Dec 2020
On Wednesday we wore our Christmas jumpers and had lots of fun in the classroom...
16th Dec 2020
We had lots of fun today during our Christmas Fun Day. We played lots of party games,...
15th Dec 2020
We designed our very own Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer today in class. Using our...
11th Dec 2020
At their last eco meeting the P6/7 eco committee members were looking at some webinars...
11th Dec 2020
We made some top hat buns today in class as part of our instructional writing.
11th Dec 2020
The P3/4 children have been working very hard the past two weeks on money. ...
11th Dec 2020
This week we created Christmas cards and wrote lovely messages inside for residents...
11th Dec 2020
This week we added to our Christmas art collection.  We created 3D gingerbread...
11th Dec 2020
Great work this week everyone!