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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

15th Oct 2020
We worked on fractions of non units this week using our division and multiplication...
15th Oct 2020
We focused on our throwing skills this week in PE. We set up lots of fun challenges...
15th Oct 2020
The children have been working in small groups to plan and design their own junk...
15th Oct 2020
The P3 children have recently received their certificates for getting their story...
13th Oct 2020
P1/2 painted self portraits as part of our topic, ‘Ourselves’. We tried...
13th Oct 2020
P1/2 were developing their ICT skills by making an ebook about their different body...
12th Oct 2020
P1/2 were developing their fine motor skills during our leaf printing activity....
10th Oct 2020
Today is World Mental Health Day. At Mullaglass, we always want to focus on the...