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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

9th Oct 2020
For art this week we took our inspiration from Van Gogh's famous sunflower painting....
9th Oct 2020
P6/7 had great fun pretending to be Trooper Warren, from our novel 'War Horse',...
9th Oct 2020
Congratulations to our newly elected Eco committee members!
9th Oct 2020
We created our own Awful Auntie using art materials. This was linked to our new...
9th Oct 2020
Well done to all our Pupil of the Week winners for great art work this week.
9th Oct 2020
Great job Cameron in P5. Cameron was spotted this week cleaning the tables for his...
9th Oct 2020
Well done to P6/7 for keeping the playground tidy this week.
9th Oct 2020
We completed a maths investigation this week. We had to work with a partner to read...
7th Oct 2020
P1/2 were busy painting Autumn trees. We used different techniques for different...