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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

7th Oct 2020
We have been looking at ordinal numbers and why we might use them.  The children...
7th Oct 2020
This week for art we focused on our class novel and followed a step by step guide...
3rd Oct 2020
As part of our topic on ‘Ourselves’, during play, some of the boys and...
2nd Oct 2020
Well done to P5 again. P5 won Mullabear for the second week in a row for having...
2nd Oct 2020
Well done to all of our winners this week for excellent work in PE.
2nd Oct 2020
Well done Mia! Mia was spotted, this week, tidying up all the play equipment after...
2nd Oct 2020
We focused today on symmetry patterns along a line of symmetry. Lots of good work,...
2nd Oct 2020
We used the gymnastics bars this week focusing on our balance and coordination....