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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

10th Sep 2020
We enjoyed focusing on adding 3 single digits this week during our mental maths...
4th Sep 2020
Great work to all our winners this week for settling into the new term so well. 
4th Sep 2020
Such a difficult choice this week with all the classes setting a high standard!...
4th Sep 2020
We focused on games for our coordination this week.
4th Sep 2020
P6/7 have had a great first week back. Everyone has settled in really well and enjoyed...
3rd Sep 2020
We are enjoying our new class and have enjoyed settling back into school life. We...
3rd Sep 2020
We have been doing lots of sorting in P1/2. P1 have been sorting by colour. P2 have...
3rd Sep 2020
We have been learning through play in P1/2.