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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2019/2020 School Year

6th Mar 2020
Well done to Lewis in P4 this week. Lewis is always displaying excellent manners...
6th Mar 2020
We had lots of fun activities in class planned for World Book Day. The children...
6th Mar 2020
Continuing our ‘Share a Story’ week for World Book Day.
5th Mar 2020
Photos from today.
5th Mar 2020
Today we celebrated World Book Day. Lots of us dressed up as characters and we had...
5th Mar 2020
We started our Activity Based Learning sessions today for our new topic Pirates....
5th Mar 2020
This week the children were learning all about the history of the lambeg drum.
4th Mar 2020
This week we have started to complete circuits focusing on our fitness and our throwing,...
4th Mar 2020
Following on from our work on shape, we have looked at artwork by Wassily Kandinsky...
2nd Mar 2020
As part of our World Book Week, today we started reading a story to a partner from...