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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2019/2020 School Year

22nd Jan 2020
This year in Shared Education P6/7 are focusing on the local area and have...
17th Jan 2020
We made porridge, just like the Three Bears. We made a recipe book so that everyone...
17th Jan 2020
P3 were at the airport today! For our topic ‘Around the World’, we set...
17th Jan 2020
Well done everyone for showing excellent Numeracy work this week in class.
17th Jan 2020
Victoria (P2) - Player of the Week at Tag Rugby Page (P3) - Gymnastics Level 7...
17th Jan 2020
Great work Will (P3) who was moving around the school quietly, lining up quietly...
17th Jan 2020
Well done to P1/2 who were eating quietly in the dinner hall this week.
17th Jan 2020
Great job Faye (P4) who was nominated by Miss Doyle for helping a P1 pupil during...
15th Jan 2020
Well done to our Road Safety P7 team who took part in the annual Road Safety Quiz...