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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2019/2020 School Year

10th Dec 2019
We were learning all about 2D shapes today. We focused on recognising 2D shapes...
9th Dec 2019
We practised forming our letters using play dough, marbles and shaving foam! We...
6th Dec 2019
Great work this week for super work in class!
6th Dec 2019
Great work Hanna (P7). Hanna only joined the school in September but has already...
6th Dec 2019
Well done P6/7 for winning Mullabear for showing kindness this week!
6th Dec 2019
Well done Rachael, Lily and Hanna who were nominated this week by Mr Greenaway for...
6th Dec 2019
Great job Faith with your Scottish Dancing.
5th Dec 2019
Mullaglass are getting into the festive spirit!
5th Dec 2019
P3 wrote their Christmas letters to Santa today and posted them! We can’t...