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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2018/2019 School Year

10th Jan 2019
On Tuesday 8th January, we were lucky enough to be visited by Mr. Maxwell, the Principal...
14th Dec 2018
Today we presented our new eco code to the school in assembly. The eco committee...
13th Dec 2018
P6/7 had a busy day yesterday at Newry High's taster day. We learnt about Kenya...
11th Dec 2018
P6/7 are very proud of their clay poppy bowls, which they made to mark the centenary...
10th Dec 2018
Today was our final lesson with Jeannie. We learnt about being a positive peer....
10th Dec 2018
Some pictures from our ABL session. 
10th Dec 2018
Mullaglass hosted their annual Christmas Truce football tournament on Friday 7th...
3rd Dec 2018
This week Jeannie used role play to teach us how to positively handle peer pressure...
30th Nov 2018
The Eco committee spoke during Friday assembly to share with the school our plans...
26th Nov 2018
Today Jeannie taught us about solvents and how they can be used in the right way...