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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2018/2019 School Year

9th Nov 2018
We enjoyed a practical way of learning about how to accurately use speech marks!...
8th Nov 2018
In art, as part of our WW1 topic and to mark Remembrance Day, we made clay poppy...
8th Nov 2018
This half term we are learning how to write letters. In our first lesson we worked...
7th Nov 2018
Today we focused on illustrations from our new class novel, The Ice Monster. Illustrations...
5th Nov 2018
P6/7 were delighted to welcome Jeannie to class this morning, to lead us in our...
26th Oct 2018
We participated in the MUSFA October Festival today. Our first match seen is take...
26th Oct 2018
Lots of scary outfits today in P4/5 for half term!
25th Oct 2018
Members of the Eco committee were very grateful for the kindly donated plants and...
23rd Oct 2018
The whole school enjoyed taking part in an eco workshop on Tuesday run by Lucinda...
23rd Oct 2018
We participated in a compost workshop today. Brown is the new black! We made paper...