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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2018/2019 School Year

23rd Oct 2018
A few more pictures during October
23rd Oct 2018
As part of out topic 'Homes' we decided to make a fairy table using an old...
22nd Oct 2018
With our suitcases packed, we reflected on our evacuation day with a diary entry. 
19th Oct 2018
Members of the Eco committee along with P6/7 completed our annual environmental...
19th Oct 2018
Some pictures from our lovely Harvest Assembly today. 
19th Oct 2018
We are officially ready for evacuation. Today, we packed our suitcases with items...
16th Oct 2018
Today was our first shared education meeting for P6/7. Well done to all the pupils...
12th Oct 2018
We began to design our suitcase for evacuation day in class today. We painted our...
12th Oct 2018
After a final run through of their lines, P6/7 prformed their scenes from our class...
12th Oct 2018
P6/7 loved constructing their own periscopes and trying them out in the classroom,...