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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2018/2019 School Year

11th Oct 2018
We have been looking at fractions this week in P4/5. We have been learning fractions...
11th Oct 2018
Congratulations to our newly elected Eco committee members!
10th Oct 2018
Today P6/7 had their second visit from Naomi, who is leading us through the Bible...
7th Oct 2018
We have been working on solving addition and subtraction word problems. We worked...
7th Oct 2018
Well done to all our winners. 🌟🏆
5th Oct 2018
This is a super app for helping your child with their reading! 
5th Oct 2018
Today P6/7 enjoyed preparing for their paired performance of a scene from our class...
3rd Oct 2018
We are focusing on invasion games this half term. Pupils are encouraged to play...
3rd Oct 2018
A few pictures of the arty crafts made in "after school club" on...
3rd Oct 2018
Lots of fun in primary 1 & 2 during September.