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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2018/2019 School Year

2nd Oct 2018
Primary 1 are learning all about 3D shapes . 
30th Sep 2018
We have been collecting different types of leaves, seeds and berries, which can...
30th Sep 2018
Thank you for supporting our ‘cake’ morning! Everyone enjoyed their...
30th Sep 2018
Well doneπŸŒŸπŸ†!
28th Sep 2018
We all brought in a bun today to eat at break time, with a donation, to help raise...
28th Sep 2018
P6/7 eating their buns and raising money for Macmillan Cancer. Unfortunately by...
26th Sep 2018
Today we learnt about the trenches in WW1. We played a memory game in groups to...
23rd Sep 2018
Our topic this term is ‘Changes all Around Us’. We have been learning...
23rd Sep 2018
Today we helped Mr Murphy with Assembly, learning all about, “not judging a...
23rd Sep 2018
For excellent handwriting- well done!πŸ‘πŸ»πŸŒŸ