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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2017/2018 School Year

9th Mar 2018
To celebrate World Book Day P6/7 took part in a quiz to see how many of the 'Children's...
9th Mar 2018
P6/7 had great fun today having creative play with our new Lego during golden time....
9th Mar 2018
P6/7 had great fun today engaging in creative play with our new Lego during golden...
7th Mar 2018
Wednesday marked our second shared education session and was led by Bricks 4 Kidz....
6th Mar 2018
Today, we had work with a partner during our numeracy lesson to work out where each...
4th Mar 2018
Every year as an eco school we have to set targets that we aim to achieve to keep...
1st Mar 2018
P3 had great fun tasting breads from around the world. We tried croissants and baguettes...
28th Feb 2018
P3 topic for this half term is 'Bread'. We have been learning about how bread is...
27th Feb 2018
Miss Magowan introduced the class to a variety of water activities during structured...
26th Feb 2018
To celebrate World Book Day we are having a silent reading challenge each morning,...