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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2017/2018 School Year

26th Feb 2018
P3 have been learning about using coins up to the value of £1! 
21st Feb 2018
Today was the first of our shared education events. Today's event was run by Sentinus...
20th Feb 2018
We had lots of fun in class today learning about fractions through the painting...
19th Feb 2018
We have been learning about the layers of the rainforest in class this week. For...
19th Feb 2018
Today P6/7 carried out another investigation, this time we wanted to find out what...
14th Feb 2018
Today we took part in the 'biscuit game' to learn about how unfairly food is distributed...
14th Feb 2018
This week we carried out an experiment to find out how different types of exercise...
13th Feb 2018
We had pancakes for break today to celebrate Pancake Day!
13th Feb 2018
We had great fun making our pancakes but even better fun eating them!
9th Feb 2018
Some members of the football recently (9.02.2018) took part in the annual Indoor...