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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2017/2018 School Year

19th Jan 2018
We were very excited this week to have snow for our winter topic! We have been learning...
19th Jan 2018
Great work! 
17th Jan 2018
Snow closure today due to snow! The heavy snow has caused travel chaos for our school...
15th Jan 2018
P6/7 had great fun today drawing around a friend and then working as a group to...
10th Jan 2018
We were looking at negative numbers today in class (10.01.2018). We were...
9th Jan 2018
We are focusing on adjectives this week. We use adjectives to add more detail...
9th Jan 2018
We started back to school today (8.01.2018) and tried some recount writing; writing...
9th Jan 2018
P1 and P2 are finding out about toy bears and real bears. They were having lots...
18th Dec 2017
P6/7 had great fun building circuits to make light bulbs light up and buzzers sound....