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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2017/2018 School Year

7th Dec 2017
P4/5 had their class trip today at the Ulster Museum. We had great fun becoming...
5th Dec 2017
We held our annual Christmas Truce Football Tournament in school today (5.12.2017)....
5th Dec 2017
P3 visited the Palace Stables in Armagh for Christmas through the Ages! We got to...
4th Dec 2017
Today Jeannie taught us about solvents and how they can be used in the right way and...
3rd Dec 2017
We have been learning about partitioning numbers into tens and units! 
1st Dec 2017
The new and enthusiastic Eco committee for this school year. 
1st Dec 2017
We have been looking at data handling this week in class. Pupils were set a task...
30th Nov 2017
For our final afterschool gardening session we braved the cold and took to rebuilding...
30th Nov 2017
P6/7 took a step back in time for a Victorian style handwriting lesson. The pupils...