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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2017/2018 School Year

26th Oct 2017
On 25th October P6-P7 joined with the P6-P7 from Mountnorris PS to visit the Argory...
26th Oct 2017
The PSNI visited our school again today (26.10.2017) to talk to the pupils about...
25th Oct 2017
As part of our topic 'The Victorians' P6/7 visited The Argory. After getting...
21st Oct 2017
Well done to our winners this week! All chosen for their excellent behaviour! Delicious...
20th Oct 2017
In R.E. this term we have been studying the theme of 'light'. This week we learnt...
20th Oct 2017
Today was our final visit to Bessbrook Library and Ann treated us to a number of...
20th Oct 2017
Mullaglass Football Team took part in the annual Mid Ulster Schools October Festival...
19th Oct 2017
We welcomed officers from the PSNI today to Mullaglass. The officers talked to the...
18th Oct 2017
We have been learning about decimals today! We were focusing on having an understanding the...