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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2017/2018 School Year

3rd Oct 2017
Last week in numeracy, we were learning about symmetry and patterns. We had to investigate...
3rd Oct 2017
We are learning about Ancient Egypt this term. The pupils have been doing lots of...
3rd Oct 2017
The children all brought buns and cakes to school to have for break. Everyone donated...
2nd Oct 2017
Today P6/7 welcomed Naomi for their first of five lessons in the Bible Explorer...
2nd Oct 2017
Within our topic of the Victorians we have been focusing, over the last number of...
2nd Oct 2017
It's the start of the new school year and the bottle top collection is back up and...
29th Sep 2017
P6/7 enjoying a well earned bun (or two..) knowing that their donation to MacMillan...
26th Sep 2017
Our topic this term is Changes Around Us. We have been looking at the changes Autumn...
26th Sep 2017
Teachers pick a pupil from each year to be Pupil of the Week on Fridays. This can...