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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2022/2023 School Year

25th Nov 2022
This week P4/5 we worked on contractions and used a lovely cut and stick activity...
24th Nov 2022
Some of us wanted to help Miss Best make new Christmas playdough. We had to follow...
24th Nov 2022
We used puffy paint to make snowmen. We loved the sensory nature of this paint and...
21st Nov 2022
Today P4/5 travelled to St Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School to take...
21st Nov 2022
P4/5 began their Shared Education with St Laurence O’Toole’s Primary...
19th Nov 2022
Well done to all our winners for being a good friend.
19th Nov 2022
We asked the children who can they reach out to...
18th Nov 2022
Today P4/5 had a surprise visit from the Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service....
18th Nov 2022
P4/5 have been writing creatively about Charlie Bucket this week focusing on grouping...