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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2021/2022 School Year

27th May 2022
As part of our dinosaur topic, we learned about Mary Anning. She was a young girl...
23rd May 2022
P6/7 enjoyed having Danny from the charity ‘Stand By Me’ come along...
20th May 2022
We've been writing descriptively this week about a cottage and a mysterious wizard!...
20th May 2022
Well done to both the Boys and Girls Football Team today at the Northern Ireland...
20th May 2022
Well done to all our winners this week!
20th May 2022
Well done to Cameron (P5) for helping another pupil with their Numeracy work and...
20th May 2022
Well done to Kerry (P5) who was awarded a certificate of participation for gymnastics...
16th May 2022
We have been enjoying our new topic ‘Weather’. We have been learning...
16th May 2022
Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme was ‘Loneliness’...