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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2021/2022 School Year

25th Feb 2022
We welcomed Amy from Wandering Wild Forest School into school today. We had lots...
25th Feb 2022
Well done to our winners for excellent PE skills this week.
25th Feb 2022
Well done to Hanna (P5) who was nominated by another pupil for noticing them on...
25th Feb 2022
Well done to P3 for having a clean dinner area.
25th Feb 2022
Well done to Catherine who picked up 4 medals at a recent Irish Dancing Compeititon!
22nd Feb 2022
P6/7 took their topic learning outdoors this week and hunted in the playground to...
11th Feb 2022
As an end of half term treat for all the great work and excellent behaviour, all...
11th Feb 2022
As a school we discussed the theme of Children’s Mental Health Week -...
11th Feb 2022
Well done to all our winners for good behaviour this week.