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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2021/2022 School Year

11th Feb 2022
Well done Cameron (P5) who was nominated by another pupil for playing with them...
11th Feb 2022
Well done P4/5 for showing great respect to the adults in the school.
11th Feb 2022
We took part in an Indoor Futsal Tournament this week. Lots of fun and learning...
11th Feb 2022
We have worked super hard this half term in P3 with all the pupils making great...
11th Feb 2022
Over the last fortnight P6/7 have thoroughly enjoyed using Natterhub, a safe online...
11th Feb 2022
It's been a busy half term in P4/5 with lots of progress from all the children....
4th Feb 2022
A little treat for our Playground Helpers today for doing a great job with the younger...
4th Feb 2022
Well done P1/2 for a tidy coat area.
4th Feb 2022
Our literacy focus was on creating a plan to describe nouns this week using our...
4th Feb 2022
We had lots of fun in P3 this week. During out literacy we worked on speech marks....