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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2021/2022 School Year

12th Nov 2021
To commentate the Northern Ireland centenary, we took part in an art competition....
12th Nov 2021
P3 have been working super hard this week. We wrote fantastic Christmas letters...
12th Nov 2021
Well done to all our winners for excellent handwriting throughout the week.
12th Nov 2021
Well done to Jessica in P5. Jessica was nominated by another pupil for being on...
12th Nov 2021
Well done P6/7 for great recycling throughout the week.
8th Nov 2021
We have been learning that some toys move by being pushed or pulled. We made toys...
7th Nov 2021
Well done to all our Pupil of the Week winners for lovely art work this week.
7th Nov 2021
Well done to Scarlette in P5 who was nominated by another pupil for making sure...
7th Nov 2021
Well done to all the pupils who gained certificates for the month of October.