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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2021/2022 School Year

8th Oct 2021
Well done to Cory in P3. Cory was nominated by a P5 pupil for playing with them...
8th Oct 2021
Well done to P1/2 for displaying good manners in the dinner hall.
8th Oct 2021
P4/5 have been writing a plan in preparation to write a diary entry next week. They...
6th Oct 2021
We love play time each day! Our current topic is Autumn. Have a look to see what...
6th Oct 2021
P1 and 2 were learning that we are all special. We talked about how we have some...
5th Oct 2021
We had lots of fun making top hat buns. We then had to write the instructions independently...
5th Oct 2021
As part of our topic on the Victorians we have started to look at some of the inventions...
1st Oct 2021
Our topic focus this week was on writing a weather report with a partner. Next...
1st Oct 2021
Well done our Pupil of Week winners this week for being a good friend.
1st Oct 2021
Well done to both Rio and Alex. Rio (P2) was nominated for helping a P1 pupil who...