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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2021/2022 School Year

19th Nov 2021
During our P.E. lessons this half term Mrs Weir has been teaching P6/7 an Indian...
19th Nov 2021
In our R.E. lessons this term we have been looking at the theme of light. As part...
19th Nov 2021
This week we read the story of 'The Great Kapok Tree' and responded by writing a...
19th Nov 2021
Well done to all our winners this week for using kind words.
19th Nov 2021
Great job everyone for being kind to each other!
18th Nov 2021
To celebrate 100 years of Northern Ireland, we shared our love for the natural beauty,...
18th Nov 2021
This consultation relates to the age a child should start statutory education in...
16th Nov 2021
Thank you so much to all those who brought in a Christmas shoebox filled with toys,...
15th Nov 2021
We came into school in our odd socks to celebrate our uniqueness for Anti-Bullying...
12th Nov 2021
This week during literacy we completed spelling activities focusing on our sound...