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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2021/2022 School Year

23rd Sep 2021
Some of our P6/7 pupils had great fun trying out the sport of badminton as part...
22nd Sep 2021
For our PDMU (personal development and mutual understanding) lesson we were looking...
21st Sep 2021
It was great to welcome Ulster Scots back into school for an afterschool club. Some...
17th Sep 2021
This week P4/5 have been learning about Roald Dahl and his life. We worked in groups...
17th Sep 2021
♻️ Congratulations to our newly elected eco committee members for this school...
17th Sep 2021
P6/7 were working hard throughout the week to create their own mini book in the...
17th Sep 2021
We had lots of fun in P3 this week. We worked hard on our addition work in Numeracy...