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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2021/2022 School Year

10th Sep 2021
Well done to Naomi who was nominated by Mr Greenaway for carrying P2 coats inside...
3rd Sep 2021
A great first week back for our P3 class. We started our new topic Minibeasts, wrote...
3rd Sep 2021
P4/5 have settled very well back into school life. We have had a very enjoyable...
27th Aug 2021
It was lovely to meet our new P1 pupils; we had a great first day and everyone settled...
25th Aug 2021
Please see the note below containing information for parents of P1/2 pupils.
24th Aug 2021
Thanks to Jim McGowan from Defibrillator Services NI for the training session in...