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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

7th May 2021
Great work P1/2 for being friendly this week!
5th May 2021
We have been exploring our topic of the farm through our play this month. We set...
5th May 2021
Have a look at what we’ve been up to in our outdoor play this month. We have...
30th Apr 2021
Well done to all our classes this week! We are have made a great effort with walking...
30th Apr 2021
Great work to our winners this week for excellent numeracy work.
30th Apr 2021
Great job Mia in P7. Mia was nominated by another pupil in her class this week....
30th Apr 2021
Great job to our Reading Egg Certificate winners for the month of April. 
29th Apr 2021
As part of our Titanic topic P6/7 were challenged to make a lifeboat from 1 piece...