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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

8th Jun 2021
Let’s see how P3/4 got on today at Sports Day.
8th Jun 2021
See how our P1/2 pupils got on today at Sports Day.
8th Jun 2021
P1 and 2 have been learning about doubles this week. P1 have learned that ‘double’...
8th Jun 2021
Have a look at our indoor play for our Under Construction topic. One of the best...
5th Jun 2021
Have a look at what we got up to during outdoor play in the month of May. One of...
4th Jun 2021
What a fantastic gift the school received today from our P7 pupils and parents!...
4th Jun 2021
We enjoyed our final session with Laurence today. We have have worked on our fitness...
4th Jun 2021
Well done to P1/2 who achieved the most Reading Eggs Certificates based on the percentage...
4th Jun 2021
Well done to all our award winners for May - super work!
3rd Jun 2021
P3/4 enjoying some mindfulness colouring in outside in the sunshine.