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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down

P4/5 - Weekly News (10/12/21)

10th Dec 2021

We have been revising our multiplication and division skills this week and progressed to starting short division using the bus stop method with remainders. This will continue to be our focus next week.

For literacy we looked at verbs and synonyms focusing on using a variety of words in our writing rather than always choosing the same word. We have been learning about the Christmas story and writing to explain what happened using a variety of pictures. Our Show and Tell sessions continued and we had a variety of items brought in. It is lovely to see everyone coming to the front and speaking aloud to their peers.

Over the past few weeks we have been experimenting with tinfoil and felt tips. We drew Christmas scenes and coloured them black then we coloured in tinfoil and sprayed a little water on to help the colours transfer onto our drawings. They have turned out beautifully.