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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down

P4/5 - Weekly News (19/11/21)

19th Nov 2021

This week we read the story of 'The Great Kapok Tree' and responded by writing a persuasive letter asking the workmen to reconsider their decision to stop cutting down the trees in the Amazon Rainforest. The children included lots of excellent facts that they recalled from their topic lessons. I was super impressed with everyones letters and the effort that was put into choosing different sentence openers and the use of persuasive language. We also looked at the 'there' homophone and used each one in a range of sentences.

Our numeracy focus has been on money this week, recalling different coins and the value as well as finding the total. Lots of revision and recalling at the beginning of the week helped us all make super progress.

As part of Anti-Bullying Week we chatted about the importance of being kind and how our words can have an impact on others. We love writing kind things about our friends and use the weekly kindness bucket to do this.

Lots of recyclable junk items have been collected and brought into school in preparation for our rainforest shoeboxes. We have been very excited this week to get started and will continue with our projects next week.


Another busy and enjoyable week, well done everyone 😊