P4/5 ~ Weekly News (10.1.25)
Everyone has settled very well into term 2 and have all been working hard throughout this week.
We have been working on our recounting skills during literacy by writing a recount of our Christmas holidays. The focus was on time connectives, paragraphs and adding extra detail when possible.
Our numeracy skills were assessed this week to determine what we could recall independently from our term 1 numeracy learning. We also completed some work on rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.
Our term 2 topic will be 'Chocolate' which the children are delighted about and have already shown a great interest in sharing their knowledge of chocolate and how they think it is made.
Art this week focused on using many skills to fold, twist, cut and stick paper to create a winter 3D effect tree.
A very productive week, well done everyone!