P4/5 ~ Weekly News (18.11.22)
P4/5 have been writing creatively about Charlie Bucket this week focusing on grouping our ideas into paragraphs and explaining our thoughts rather than just listing them. The children completed work on homophones including the variation of there and to.
We completed different activities linked to Anti-Bullying week ensuring all children know how they can reach out and who they can reach out to as well as completing an online workshop with P6/7 around Anti-Bullying.
Our numeracy focused on revising time. Time is a tricky concept, additional practice at home would be beneficial. The children also focused on rounding including learning a rhyme to remember how to round up and round down to the nearest 10 and 100 with 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers.
For our topic work we completed an experiment with ice-cream using different containers and materials to determine which would best keep the ice-cream from melting similar to what Willy Wonka achieved in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
An excellent week of great work and attitude. Well done everyone 😊