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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down

P4/5 ~ Weekly News (20.9.24)

20th Sep 2024

This week we have been busy solving tricky word problems using our addition and subtraction skills as well as revising our 2D shape knowledge. During literacy we have been working on using commas in our writing to help break up longer sentences. We started work on developing our comprehension skills and focused on the importance of reading the question carefully and using our reading book to answer a range of questions accurately. 

Our art lesson focused on using cool and warm paint colours to create landscapes and trees linked to autumn. During PDMU we chatted lots about places where we belong then completed a written activity about belonging at home with our family.

This week we learnt the difference between weather and climate during our topic lesson and made comparisons between the climate in Northern Ireland to a tropical rainforest. 

Lots of great work, well done everyone!