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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down

P4/5 Weekly News (13.9.24)

15th Sep 2024

We have had two busy weeks in school and have all settled very well into P4/5. We have been working on our punctuation: adding capital letters, full stops, commas, question marks and exclamation marks to our writing. We have been chatting about character descriptions and have thought about our class novel, ‘Mr Stink’ and what he is like and also the other main character of the book, Chloe.  Our class novel ties in nicely with our September whole school theme of ‘kindness’. 

During numeracy we have been doing lots of work on place value, calculating addition and subtraction questions including with and without borrowing/exchanging.

Our topic work will focus on ‘The Rainforest’ this term. 

The children have all worked very hard during these lessons and when completing activities in other areas of the curriculum.  

Well done!