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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

3rd Jun 2021
Last week during literacy the P3s used speech bubbles to have a conversation, one...
3rd Jun 2021
P6/7 had great fun this morning in P.E. on the apparatus. Everyone enjoyed exploring...
1st Jun 2021
28th May 2021
We used modelling clay this week to sculpt minibeasts and then painted them once...
28th May 2021
Well done to all our pupils and staff for completing a mile today! We braved the...
28th May 2021
Great work Cameron and Kate, both in P4. Cameron and Kate were both nominated for...
28th May 2021
Well done to all our winners this week for super reading!
28th May 2021
Well done to P5 for showing great kindness throughout the week.
27th May 2021
P5 were invited to the Minibeast Bug Ball today as part of their Minibeasts topic....