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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

14th May 2021
Our ABL theme for this term is linked to our new class topic ‘Grace Darling...
14th May 2021
As part of ‘Mental Health’ week we spent some time in the school garden...
14th May 2021
For Mental Health Awareness Week this week, we got ourselves outside to enjoy the...
14th May 2021
Lots of fun playing invasion games, encouraging team work this week.
14th May 2021
Great work to all our winners this week for excellent PE skills.
14th May 2021
Well done to Catherine in P4. Catherine was nominated by a pupil in their class...
14th May 2021
Well done to P3/4 for remembering to say ‘please’ and thank-you’...
7th May 2021
Great work to all our winners for lovely presentation of work this week.
7th May 2021
Great work Callum in P2. Callum was nominated by another P2 pupil for helping them...