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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

11th Nov 2020
Today we held a minutes silence in our classrooms at 11am and completed lots of...
11th Nov 2020
Today we learnt about Remembrance Day. We completed lots of art and craft activities.
11th Nov 2020
Today for Remembrance Day, P3/4 watched a short animation about poppies and what...
11th Nov 2020
We have been learning our seven times tables and related division facts today. We...
10th Nov 2020
We have been thinking about the word 'Gratitude' and chatting about who and what...
10th Nov 2020
P3/4 have been doing lots of practical work on their times tables.  They have...
8th Nov 2020
Today, on Remembrance Sunday, we attended the cenotaph - Mullaglass Primary School...
7th Nov 2020
We have been learning about decimals this week. We went outside and took part in...
6th Nov 2020
We learned that all our bodies are different sizes - some of us are small and some...
6th Nov 2020
In our topic on ‘Ourselves’ we have been learning about our bodies,...