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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2020/2021 School Year

18th Sep 2020
Well done this week to all our winners for excellent Numeracy.
18th Sep 2020
Great work Jessica in P4 who was spotted this week helping the P3 pupils out during...
18th Sep 2020
Well done to P3/4 this week. Our target was for good manners in the dining hall.
18th Sep 2020
For our topic WW2, we learnt about The Blitz. We looked at pictures and videos and...
17th Sep 2020
P2 have been learning how to work out ‘one more’ or ‘one less’...
17th Sep 2020
We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes.  During PE this week, we worked...
17th Sep 2020
As part of our topic 'The Great Fire of London', we have been experimenting with...
16th Sep 2020
We focused on recapping our 2-5 and 10 times tables in class this week for Mental...
14th Sep 2020
This afternoon we went outside to enjoy the sunshine during our PDMU lesson. We...