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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down


2019/2020 School Year

6th Jun 2020
A great effort from everyone in P1/2 for our Mullaglass Bake Off. I hope you enjoyed...
5th Jun 2020
P4/5 had to design their own set of circuits as part of our ‘Healthy Living’...
5th Jun 2020
Our STEM activity this week was to create cup phones, this also helped us to focus...
5th Jun 2020
As part of our topic ‘Healthy Living’, P4/5 we’re challenged to...
5th Jun 2020
We made milkshakes as part of our capacity work. Applying our learnt skills to a...
3rd Jun 2020
P1/2 have been learning about the story of bread. We knew wheat was needed to make...
21st May 2020
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and this year’s theme is kindness....
21st May 2020
P4/5 enjoyed completing a book scavenger hunt finding different features, characters...
21st May 2020
P4/5 went shopping around their house to find a variety of bottles, tubs and containers...